Modal Flexible Digital

Vision & Values

Our vision
is your horizon

As a team of intermodal specialists, we provide a modern, highly available intermodal railcar fleet and are one of the best-capitalized and most sustainable scale-ups in the sector. We are committed to providing the highest level of support, technological availability, and service to our customers.


Vision & Values

What we stand for as a company.

  1. Customer-first
  2. Passion
  3. Excellence
  4. Transparency
  5. Sustainability
  6. Safety
  7. Integrity
  • We consider our customers in everything we do. Going the extra mile is a matter of course to us.

  • We care about what we do and how we do it. Every day, we use our passion for progress to address today’s and tomorrow’s challenges.

  • We are doing things with due consideration both for intent and impact and aiming to close the gap between them.

  • We speak our mind, contribute authentically with pure motives.

  • We are continuously rethinking our approach to the way we do business. We do not just think about tomorrow, but way beyond.

  • Safety is not just a priority at MFD Rail, but a deeply held core value.

  • We work with integrity in everything we do and act responsibly, reliably, respectfully, and live up to our standards.



We are well capitalized

MFD Rail, Oaktree Capital Management, L.P. and a syndicate of banks under the global coordinator and bookrunner KfW IPEX have partnered to finance the development of a freight car portfolio for MFD Rail, a new European platform for leasing freight cars for combined freight transport.



Dare to be different

The world is constantly changing. We are never satisfied with repeating today, what made us successful yesterday. With our heads turned towards the future, we remain prepared to keep on changing, courageous and surprising.

Fresh blood Greenfield approach Expertise Pure play intermodal Flexible leases Fresh blood Greenfield approach Expertise Pure play intermodal Flexible leases


We are
about your


    COO / Managing Partner


    CSO / Managing Partner


    CEO / Managing Partner


    CFO / Managing Partner



We consider our contribution to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and to the transformation towards a carbon-free transport as the focus of our environmental commitment.

We thus support the European Rail Freight Vision 2030 of the Rail Freight Forward Initiative, which sets a target of increasing rail transport in European freight transport to 30% by 2030 – up from its current level of around 18%.

Our certified Green Financing Framework is credible and impactful and will guide us to finance an environmentally responsible and sustainable growth.

Total fleet mileage


Saved CO2

tonnes vs. road

Total fleet:



We are esg

We are committed to ensuring that our business is environmentally responsible, energy-efficient, carbon-neutral, and makes its best effort to achieve continuous improvements.

We ensure proper labor and working conditions, safeguard the health and safety of our employees, and promote diversity as well as social development of the community in which we operate.

We fully comply with all applicable laws including those laws and best practice standards intended to prevent extortion, bribery, and financial crime.


A fully circular, smart and digital
green fleet for climate stability.

100% green revenues as per EU
Taxonomy, 100% green financed fleet

100% circular inflow and outflow of all
wagons, with useful lives 10 years beyond
average of comparable assets

100% of wagons connected with GPS and
sensors, enabling circularity, efficient logistics,
reliability and higher safety

Value proposition


We represent the preferred alternative to the lessor market.

We lease out modern, noise-reduced, safe, and high-quality intermodal railcars to our customers.

We bring transparency and flexibility into leasing and maintenance concepts.

With our standardized fleet, automated processes, and a highly scalable organization we are achieving low transaction costs and hence competitive pricing.

Value proposition


Improving the modal split for rail with modern intermodal railcars.
Multimodal transport chains with different traffic modes.
Modal Split
Modern intermodal railcars like 60’, 80’, 90’ container flats, double pocket railcars, and other railcar types.


Flexible Leases
Attractively priced lease concepts based on different lease models in combination with flex modules.
Flex Modules
Premium customers with long-term, volume-based lease contracts can combine our lease models with a flex module of their choice.


Digital Interchange
24/7 connected railcar fleet delivering real-time operational and condition-based data.
Digital Processes
Digital, workflow-driven end-to-end processes.
Customer and Supplier systems integrations on all touchpoints with MFD Rail.
  • m
  • f
  • d


We are intermodal

We are intermodal

We build a homogenous and modern portfolio consisting of new, high-quality, and noise-reduced railcars for intermodal transportation.

As the pure play intermodal specialist, we know what we are talking about.


Our portfolio - new, modern, reliable.


Available as:


Length over buffer: 34.20m

Axle load: 22,5t

Number of axles: 6

Tareweight: approx. 36,3t

Max. Loading To.: 98,7t

Download the full spec

Available as:


Length over buffer: 29.59m

Axle load: 22,5t

Number of axles: 6

Tareweight: approx. 27,9t

Max. Loading To.: 107,1t

Download the full spec

Available as:


Length over buffer: 25.94m

Axle load: 22,5t

Number of axles: 4

Tareweight: approx. 22,2t

Max. Loading To.: 67,8t

Download the full spec



Length over buffer: 26.39m

Axle load: 22,5t

Number of axles: 6

Tareweight: approx. 26,7t

Max. Loading To.: 108,2t

Download the full spec

Available as:


Length over buffer: 19.64m / 19.74m

Axle load: 22,5t

Number of axles: 4

Tareweight: approx. 20,0t

Max. Loading To.: 70,0t

Download the full spec

Available as:

Sggmrrs-y 2 x 60’

Length over buffer: 39.46m

Axle load: 22,5t

Number of axles: 8

Tareweight: approx. 39,0t

Max. Loading To.: 141,0t

Download the full spec

Available as:


Length over buffer: 13.54m

Axle load: 22,5t

Number of axles: 4

Tareweight: approx. 16,5t

Max. Loading To.: 73,5t

Download the full spec


No matter what you’re shipping, we have the solution that meets your needs.

  • Lease models
  • Flex modules
  • ECM
  • Benefit from highly available and reliable railcars, low maintenance costs, regulatory compliant fleet fulfilling the latest safety standards.

    Enjoy lease cost transparency, no hidden margins, flexibility options to reduce your exposure in matching supply and demand of railcars.


    Base Plus


    Check details
  • Enjoy the freedom of flexibility. With our modules “breathe”, “relax”, and “exit” we provide you with the security and safety you need for concentrating on your core business. Whatever changes your business, we have a solution to give you flexibility.





    As certified ECM for railcars according to EU regulations and registered as responsible ECM in ERADIS (European Railway Agency Database of Interoperability and Safety) we ensure the maintenance of railcars under applicable regulations. As the registered keeper and GCU signatory, MFD Rail is taking over the responsibility of the keeper for all its railcars. In addition to the maintenance management function (ECM I), we independently realize the maintenance
    development function (ECM II) as well as the fleet maintenance management function (ECM III).


none-mileage related services

mileage related services

Lease model

  1. Capital Lease

  2. Base Lease (Click to see details)

    Event Flat Rate

    Lease model for our customers who are familiar with rail freight car maintenance and want to steer wheelset costs

    • We take care of revision and wheelset maintenance
    • The rental rate includes costs for revision, the wheelset maintenance costs will be charged
      separately – a flat rate per wheelset event
    • You are in charge of all other required maintenance according to our maintenance manual,
      for your account

    Your benefit: You maintain the railcars within your network and with an event-based wheelset flat rate, you steer the refurbishment cycles and likewise your overall wheelset costs.

  3. Base Lease Plus (Click to see details)

    Lease model for our customers who are familiar with rail freight car maintenance but don’t want to bother about wheelset costs.

    • We take care of revision and wheelset maintenance
    • The rental rate includes costs for revision and wheelset wear and tear – you are on the safe side as all is included and easy to calculate for you.
    • You are in charge of all other required maintenance according to our maintenance manual, for your account.

    Your benefit: You maintain the railcars within your network, but you don’t have to worry about wheelset costs.

  4. Comfort Lease (Click to see details)

    Lease model for our customers who want to focus on their business and enjoy careless full service from railcar specialists.

    • We take care of all kinds of required maintenance
    • The rental rate includes costs for revision, wheelset wear and tear, and daily maintenance
    • You simply use the railcars and focus on your business

    Your benefit: One rental rate does it all, no extra costs, easy to budget for you. No matter how your business develops, we have a solution for you.

Service level

  • Usage of Railcar

  • Keepership

    Entity in Charge of Maintenance

    Overhaul Management

  • Wheelset Management

    Maintenance Management

Lease model

Service level

mileage related services

Capital Lease

Usage of Railcar

Base Lease (Click to see details)


Entity in Charge of Maintenance

Overhaul Management

none-mileage related services

Base Lease Plus (Click to see details)

Wheelset Management

Comfort Lease (Click to see details)

Maintenance Management

Lease model

Service level

mileage related services

Capital Lease

Usage of Railcar

Base Lease (Click to see details)


Entity in Charge of Maintenance

Overhaul Management

none-mileage related services

Base Lease Plus (Click to see details)

Wheelset Management

Comfort Lease (Click to see details)

Maintenance Management

Lease model

Service level

mileage related services

Capital Lease

Usage of Railcar

Base Lease (Click to see details)


Entity in Charge of Maintenance

Overhaul Management

none-mileage related services

Comfort Lease (Click to see details)

Maintenance Management

Lease model

Service level

mileage related services

Capital Lease

Usage of Railcar

Base Lease (Click to see details)


Entity in Charge of Maintenance

Overhaul Management

none-mileage related services

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We are
part of

Association representing the railcar keeper’s interest
Rolling Stock Reference Database
Union International Rail Road
General Contract of Use for railcars
Association of German Wagon Keepers
Associazione Operatori Nel Trasporto Ferroviario Merci

News & events

Find out
what is new

Find out
what is new

Everything you need to know about what is currently happening in the company.


Get closer
to us

For all general inquiries please contact us.


+41 41 531 24 24


Grundstrasse 12

CH-6343 Rotkreuz

For specific information please use the contact data for each of the departments listed below

For specific information please use the contact data for each of the departments listed below


Move your career forward. Your talent and personality fuel our success as a team.
We look forward to receiving your application.

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